Your Underground Line Faulted. Now What?

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EdgeRestore behind a house

Sometimes, it feels like the industry is playing Whac-A-Mole.

You improve grid-edge resilience by undergrounding lines. But then up pops another challenge: identifying and isolating faults on those lines and restoring power.

To investigate this challenge further—and to add non-Whac-A-Mole nuance to this discussion—S&C recently teamed up with data and analytics company Wood Mackenzie.

The goals:

  • Determine the potential costs of modernizing the distribution grid. (It’s in the trillions!)
  • Research the tremendous growth in utility investments in underground resilience.
  • Introduce S&C’s EdgeRestore® Underground Distribution Restoration System as a new solution for improving resilience on residential underground circuits.

To learn more about the current and future state of grid-modernization investment, and to see the difference a solution like the EdgeRestore system can make, read the full report.

Read Going Underground: Reinventing Resilience


Chris McCarthy

Fecha de Publicación

junio 13, 2024