Show Your Expertise in Utility-Grade Electrical Solutions
As power requirements grow for commercial and industrial campuses, your biggest customers need systems that can keep up—and keep scaling.
What does this mean for you? Opportunity.
Your familiarity with distributed designs translates to your delivery of scalable, utility-grade solutions for your prospective customers.
Here is a breakdown of some of the key benefits to convey to your customers.
Improved reliability and resilience
Meets critical uptime requirements
Distributed systems provide more reliability and resilience than centralized systems (see section 4)
It’s utility grade: Major utilities worldwide have relied on Vista switchgear for decades
Cost savings
Minimal maintenance needs = much less $ spent
No additional housing needs = no added cost
Small-footprint indoor installation = saving valuable indoor space
Outdoor installation = fully freeing up valuable indoor space
Vista switchgear = ½ the total cost of ownership compared to other switchgear
Compact, low-profile outdoor units
Multiple installation styles, including underground
S&C offers optional 24-hour support
Regionally located service facilities and engineering support
Onsite engineers can receive S&C training