Manufacturing Careers: The Backbone of America

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On October 1, we celebrate National Manufacturing Day, kicking off Manufacturing Month, where we celebrate the talented individuals who help S&C build essential equipment to support critical infrastructure and services around the world.

This year as the country continues to face a labor shortage, celebrating those who have chosen careers in manufacturing is especially important. According to a study conducted by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, the manufacturing skill gap could result in 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030. The pandemic has certainly played a role in the worker shortage, but even so, there are 5 million fewer Americans working in manufacturing now than there were 20 years ago.

Over that same 20 years, manufacturing capabilities have advanced at an impressive rate. With the addition of technological improvements and automated systems, manufacturers have the ability to do more than ever. These advancements have also changed what manufacturing jobs look like.

This is certainly true at S&C. As automation and advanced technology continue to play larger roles in the manufacturing process, they present team members with countless opportunities to learn exciting new skills. At S&C, we support our team members with onsite trainings and tools to continue growing while creating a long-term career they enjoy.

Any manufacturing environment thrives off continuous improvement and creative people, so when a member of our team has an idea for a line to be more productive or opinions on how to streamline a process, we listen. If you are someone who likes to work with their hands, keep their mind moving throughout the day, and are interested in a career that comes with a variety of growth and educational opportunities, then manufacturing is for you.

Manufacturing team members at S&C are essential workers and know the equipment they produce helps people around the world. To see firsthand what a manufacturing career can look like at S&C, watch the video below. Team members from across S&C’s team share their experiences building a career in the manufacturing industry.


Editorial Staff

Publication Date

October 1, 2021