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Why stop by our booth at DISTRIBUTECH International? Because we can help you reduce outages and boost your grid's reliability and resilience.

Our onsite experts will show you proven solutions that improve your metrics, costs, and customers' experience.

Join us March 25-27 in Dallas!

Join Us at DTECH

Visit Our Booth: 3722

Robust solutions that add resilience to your feeders. Dynamic solutions that bring automation and reliability to the grid edge.

Our experts will be at Booth 3722 to show and tell all about this suite of end-to-end grid solutions.

S and C Electric Company exhibition booth

Join Our Events

Lively discussions, inspiring success stories, and deserving celebrations.

Left: Dwalyn Morgan, Standards Engineer - Distribution Materials, CenterPoint Energy Right: Michael Stephens, Senior Manager Distribution Planning, Oncor

Don’t Mess with Texas: How Two Texas Utilities Are Improving Grid Resilience

 Room C142

As the largest state in the contiguous United States, Texas experiences a breadth of system challenges, from extreme weather to population growth to variable terrain.

In this conversation with Oncor and CenterPoint Energy, hear how these two utilities are investing in the distribution grid to improve resilience, advance their system operations, and optimize customer experience in the Lone Star State.

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Left: Gerald Ramsey, Manager of Distribution Reliability and Automation, Georgia Power Right: Karmen Powell, Manager - Distribution Electric Engineering, Louisville Gas & Electric – Kentucky Utilities

Grid-Edge Resilience: Two Utilities Share Their Strategies for Modernizing the Most Vulnerable Area of the Grid

 Room C1

Subject to severe storms, foliage, and wildlife, lateral lines are the most vulnerable area of the grid. Yet the grid edge is often overlooked when it comes to modernization.

In this panel, Georgia Power and Louisville Gas & Electric – Kentucky Utilities share their strategies for improving reliability and resilience at the grid edge. Hear their best practices for deploying fault-testing technologies on overhead lines.

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S&C Powered by Diversity Event

 Hall A Meeting Room, Ballroom A2

Join us in a casual environment for food, drinks, networking and conversations on prioritizing, enabling, and advancing energy equity. Other event highlights include the presentation of the S&C Powered by Diversity Award and the opportunity to connect with executives, leaders, and allies across our industry.


Explore Our Solutions

Get up close and personal with S&C’s end-to-end grid solutions.

IntelliRupter® PulseCloser® Fault Interrupter

Improve SAIDI and SAIFI by avoiding high-impact outages on overhead feeders.

VacuFuse® II Self-Resetting Interrupter

Improve customer satisfaction and CEMI on overhead distribution transformers.

TripSaver® II Cutout-Mounted Recloser

Improve your bottom line through O&M savings on overhead lateral lines.

PME Pad-Mounted Gear

Improve resilience and prevent outages on underground feeders.

EdgeRestore® Underground Distribution Restoration System

Address faults on underground lateral lines that can be tough to find and fix.