S&C Canada Announcement
Last week we implemented a two-week 50/50 plan. This plan was established to increase social distancing (stay at least 6 feet apart) between team members. This plan ensured half our team members would work at the plant one week while the other half would return the following week. While this plan has increased social distancing, it also diminished our output and we are not able to meet all our customers’ needs. Along with the Ontario Government’s order stating that suppliers that support electricity distribution are essential, we are also receiving many letters from our customers. Below is a caption from Toronto Hydro’s letter:
Your business is an important part of our work to safely and reliably distribute electricity to Torontonians and build and maintain the distribution grid. Our expectation, in line with the Province’s Order, is that your company will continue to support Toronto Hydro by ensuring that the supply chain with respect to essential goods, services, and resources should continue to function to the fullest extent possible in this challenging time. We expect that you remain in a position to meet our supply and service terms under our ongoing contract.
So, this is the challenge! How do we continue to meet our customers’ needs while ensuring ample social distancing between team members? As we continue to check and adjust, a new plan has been developed that will be implemented on Friday, April 3. If we look at the population density throughout our facility, the densest zones are assembly areas for both switches and metal-enclosed switchgear. As such, starting Friday, April 3, an increased weekend shift will be operational. Approximately 30 volunteers submitted their names, from both day and afternoon shifts, to temporarily work on the weekend shift. This current plan should ensure we meet our customers’ needs as well as increase social distancing in our facility’s densest areas. All other areas of Production Operations will return to their regular work schedules.
As well as social distancing, we are also minimizing cross contamination by altering the shifts. Shifts, in the assembly areas will be:
- Day Shift, Monday to Thursday, 6:00am to 3:30pm
- Afternoon Shift, Monday to Thursday, 4:30pm to 2:00am
- Weekend Shift, Friday to Sunday, 6:00am to 6:00pm
I would like to personally thank the volunteers who offered to move to the weekend shift as well as thank all team members as we adjust regular work schedules to meet our criteria. Your dedication to the success of S&C is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Regarding safety, we presently have 18 Canadian team members out due to illness, travel and family; down from last week’s announcement of 26 team members. To-date, no team members have tested positive for COVID-19. Human Resources (HR) have been diligent in monitoring these team members over the course of their quarantine and clearing them when it is safe to return to work. If you are feeling ill or have been in contact with an individual who may have the COVID-19 virus, please continue to follow HR guidelines and reach out to HRHelp@sandc.com.
If you have not already done so, please sign up to S&C Canada’s a private Instagram page at: sccanadaupdates to receive the latest updates on what is happening at S&C Canada.
S&C Electric Canada Ltd.
Angelo Gravina
Angelo Gravina
Publication Date
March 31, 2020